

“Lust is a strong need. Love is not a need.
When you love, you settle down; nothing more is needed.”

fully accepted

The fact that the current situation is present indicates that Awareness has already fully accepted it. It is only an imaginary self that subsequently resists it. In fact, the imaginary separate self comes into apparent existence as that resistance.

deep roots

The only barrier to peace and happiness is the thought that considers the current situation wrong or inadequate. That thought is like a plant that flowers in our feelings, activities and relationships, but has deep roots. It is not enough to pick the flower.

love only this

Thinking, sensing and perceiving are modulations of pure Knowing, temporary names and forms of our Self. Know, be and love only this Knowing in all experience.

its source

Just as darkness comes upon the earth when it is turned away from the sun, so the darkness of ignorance comes upon the self when it is turned away from its source, the light of pure Knowing.


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